Dimenzió #22


(irodalom, gazdaság, számitástechnika, filozófia, fizika, kommunikáció, egyveleg)

                               HUNTER AND PREY

                      Sounds in a dark forest
                      Noises of a mortal meet
                      Killing run, deadly test
                      Will you starve or will you eat?

                      Stand up, face her, never run
                      She's your nightmare, never deal
                      Step back, you're a lonely one
                      Dance away, just disappear

                      Sounds in a dark forest
                      Noises of pure love and hate
                      I can see it in your eyes
                      You're feeling like I'm not your fate

                      Stand up, face her, and never run?
                      Or step back, be weak, never love
                      Tell her that it's not okay
                      Or ask her with a mystic smile...
                      Now who's the hunter and who's the prey?

                           NiGHTMARE, 1996.07.01.

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