Dimenzió #21

Magyar nők a dualizmus korában


                            I. Külföldi források

                  A korszakkal kapcsolatos általános művek:

Ariès,  Philippe - Duby, Georges: La vita privata - L'ottocento (Ed. Laterza
   - Ed. Arnoldo Mondadori, Roma - Bari, 1994.)

Berstein  S.- Milza P.: Histoire de l' Europe contemporaine: le XIX-e siècle
   (1815-1919), le XX-e siècle (1919 … nos jours) (Hatier, Paris, 1992.)

Carpentier J.- Lebrun F.: Histoire de l' Europe (Seuil, Paris, 1992.)

Crubellier,  M:  Histoire  culturelle  de  la France XIX-XX-e ss. (A. Colin,
   Paris, 1968.)

Frechet H.: Histoire de l’ Europe au XIX-e siècle (Ellipses, Paris, 1991.)

Heffer J. - Serman W.: Le XIX-e siècle 1815-1914 (Hachette, Paris, 1991.)

McBride,  Theresa  M.:  The  domestic  revolution  -  The  Modernisation  of
   Household  Service  in  England and France 1820-1920 (Croom Helm, London,

Maynes Mary: Schooling in Western Europe: a Social History (Abany, 1985.)

McKay,  John  P.  -  D.  Hill, Bennett - Buckler, John: A History of Western
   Society (Boston, Dallas Geneva, Lawrencville, 1983.)

Mialaret,  G.  -  Vial,  J.:  Histoire mondiale de l' éducation (Tomes 3-4.,
   Paris, P. U. F.)

Milza, P.: Francais et Italiens … la fin du XIX-e siècle (École Fran‡aise de
   Rome, 1985.)

Reynolds,  E.  E.  -  Brasher, N. H.: Britain in the twentieth century 1900-
   1964 (Cambridge Univ. Press, 1966.)

Seigel,  Jerrold:  Bohemian  Paris - Culture, Politics and the Boundaries of
   Bourgeois Life 1830-1930 (Penguin Books, London-New York, 1986.)

Stone,  Norman:  Europe  Transformed  1878-1919  (Fontana History of Europe,
   Fontana Press, London, 1983.)

                         Sajtótörténeti monográfiák:

A  History  of  American  Magazines  IV.  1885-1905.  (Harvard  Univ. Press,
   Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1957.)

Gomez  Aparicio,  Pedro:  Historia  del  periodismo  espa¤ol (Ed.: Nacional,
   Madrid, 1967.)

Jiménez  Morell,  Inmaculada:  La  prensa  femenina  en  Espa¤a  - desde sus
   orígenes a 1868 (Ed. de la Torre, Madrid, 1992.)

Livois,  René  de: Histoire de la presse fran‡aise II. - de 1881 … nos jours
   (Éd. Spes, Lausanne, 1965.)

                 Életrajzi lexikonok, életrajzi monográfiák:

Diccionario  de mujeres célebres (Victoria Camps előszavával) (Espasa Calpe,
   Madrid, 1994.)

Grillandi, Massimo: La Bella Otero (Rusconi, Milano, 1982.)

Macmillan  dictionary  of  women'biography,  The  (Ed.:  S. Uglow, Jennifer,
   Macmillan Press, London, 1984.)

Manuel  de  bibliographie biographique et d'iconographie des femmes célèbres
   I-II. (Turin-Paris, 1892, 1900.)

Richardson,  Joanna:  The  Courtesans - The demi-monde in nineteenth-century
   France (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1967.)

               Nőtörténeti monográfiák (egyetemes történelem):

Anderson,  Bonnie  S.  -  Zinsser, Judith P.: A history of their own I-II. -
   Women in Europe from Prehistory to the Present (Penguin Books, London-New
   York-Victoria, 1988.)

Anderson,  Bonnie  S.  -  Zinsser, Judith P.: Le donne in Europa IV. - Nella
   cittá moderna (Ed. Laterza, Roma-Bari, 1993.)

Becoming visible - Women in European History (Ed.: Bridenthal, Renate-Koonz,
   Claudia; Hougthon Mifflin Company, Boston, 1977.)

Capmany,   Maria  Aurélia:  El  feminismo  ibérico  (Ed.  Libros  Oikos-Tau,
   Barcelona, 1970.)

Cott,  F.  Nancy:  The  grounding  of modern feminism (Yale Univ. Press, New
   Haven & London, 1987.)

Cott,  Nancy  F.:  The  Bonds  of Womanhood - Woman's sphere in New England,
   1780-1835 (New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1977.)

Diego,  Estrella  de:  La mujer y la pintura del XIX. espa¤ol (Cuatrocientas
   olvidadas y algunas más) (Ensayos arte catedra, Madrid, 1987.)

El  feminismo  en Espa¤a: dos siglos de historia (Ed.: Pilar Folguera; Pablo
   Iglesias, Madrid, 1988.)

Engel,  Barbara  Alpern: Mothers and daughters - Women of the intelligentsia
   in nineteenth-century Russia (Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge-London-New
   York-New Rochelle-Melbourne-Sydney, 1983.)

Evans,  Richard  J.: Comrades and Sisters - Feminism, Socialism and Pacifism
   in  Europe  1870-1945  (Wheatsheaf  Books  - St. Martin'Press, Sussex-New
   York, 1987.)

Evans, Richard J.: The feminists - Women's emancipation movements in Europe,
   America  and  Australasia  1820-1920 (Croom Helm, London - Barnes & Noble
   Books, New York, 1977.)

Fildes,  Valerie:  Wet  Nursing  -  A  History from Antiquity to the Present
   (Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1988.)

Frevert,  Ute:  Women  in  German  history  - From Bourgeois Emancipation to
   Sexual Liberation (St. Martin'Press, New York, 1989.)

Gardiner,  Dorothy:  English girlhood at school - A study of women'Education
   through  twelve  centuries  (Humphrey  Milford,  Oxford University Press,
   London, 1929.)

Grinberg,  Suzanne:  Historique  du mouvement suffragiste depuis 1848 (Henry
   Goulet, Paris, 1926.)

Histoire mondiale de la femme IV. (Dir.: Pierre Grimal, Strasbourg, 1966.)

Historia  de  las  mujeres  en  Occidente  IV.  El siglo XIX. (Ed.: Fraisse,
   Geneviève - Perrot, Michelle) (Taurus, Madrid, 1993.)

Jolland,  Pat:  Women,  Marriage and Politics 1860-1914 (Oxford Univ. Press,
   Oxford-New York-Melbourne,1988.)

Kamm J.: Girl's education in English history (Methmen and Co. London 1956)

London  Irvine: Death in Childbirth: An International Study of Maternal Care
   and  Maternal  Mortality  1800-1950. (New York, Clarendon Press of Oxford
   Univ. Press, 1992.)

Miles, Rosalind: La mujer en la historia del mundo (Civilización, Barcelona,

Nash,  Mary:  Mujer,  familia  y  trabajo  en  Espa¤a  1875-1936  (Anthropos
   editorial del hombre, Barcelona, 1983.)

The  feminist  papers  - From Adams to de Beauvoir (Ed.: Alice S. Rossi, New
   York, 1988.)

Zinsser  Judith  P.:  History and Feminism: A Glass Half Full (The Impact of
   Feminism on the Arts and Sciences Series) (New York, Twayne of Macmillan,

               Korabeli művek a nőkről (egyetemes történelem):

Bader,   Clarisse:   La  femme  fran‡aise  dans  les  temps  modernes  (Lib.
   Académique, Didier, Paris, 1883.)

Fuchs, Eduard: Die Frau in der Karikatur (Langen, München, 1907.)

International Woman Suffrage Alliance (Copenhagen, 1906.)

Joyce, Thomas Atho: Women of all nations (Ed. Popular, London, 1910.)

Letourneau,  Charles:  La  condition  de la femme dans les diverses races et
   civilisations (Papillault, Paris, 1903.)

Richer, Leon: Le livre des femmes (Paris, 1873.)

Uzanne,  Octave:  La femme … Paris. Nos contemporaines. Notes succesives sur
   les Parisiennes... (Quantin, Paris, 1894.)

                 Forrásgyűjtemények (egyetemes történelem):

Agonito,  Rosemary:  History  of  Ideas  on Woman - A Source Book (Capricorn
   Books, G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York, 1976)

Le  grief des femmes - Anthologie de textes féministes I-II. (Ma‹té Albistur
   - Daniel Armogathe, Ed. Hier & Demain, Paris, 1978.)

Textos  para  la  historia de las mujeres en Espa¤a (Catedra Historia, Serie
   menor, Madrid, 1994.)

Ware,  Susan:  Modern  American  Women  -  A documantary history (The Dorsey
   Press, Chicago, Illinois, 1989.)

                Naplók, önéletírások (egyetemes történelem):

Hardy,  Sheila:  The  Diary  of  a  Suffolk farmer's wife 1854-69 (MacMillan
   Academic and Professional Ltd., London, 1992.)

Le journal intime de Caroline B. (Arthaud Montalba, Paris, 1985.)

My  double  life  -  Memoirs  of Sarah Bernhardt (William Heinemann, London,

                      Felhasznált külföldi folyóiratok:

                    Monde Moderne, Le (Paris, 1895-)
                    Revue des deux mondes (Paris, 1879-)
                    Cuadernos de Historia (Madrid)
                    Historia 16. (Madrid)
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