(1998. június 20-i állapot)
Filename Type Length Description
3dmw.zip B 72713 3D Milky Way fly-through
3star1_1.zip B 95998 3Star v1.1: View the nearest 300 stars in 3D
aa-54.zip B 299665 Astronomical ephemeris calculator, C sources
aa200-54.zip B 230508 Reader for JPL ephemerides, C sources
astrmt31.zip B 686837 Astrometry and Photometry for CCD images
astro20.zip B 38431 Calculate planetary ATA, rise and set time
astro202.zip B 89531 Athabasca University Micro-Planetarium v2.02
b_star.zip B 42002 Program to animate motions of a binary star
binary3.zip B 33721 Eclipsing binary stars and light curves
brungsc1.zip B 60920 Astronomy: Drawing a sky map using GSC
coeli386.zip B 831255 Coeli: Astronomy planetarium with new angles
cosmoh13.zip B 120309 A 3D tour of the nearest 2300 galaxies
cosmos16.zip B 161377 SVGA to Herc, professional Astronomy simulator
de118i.zip B 169987 N-body numerical integration of moon & planets
deep14-1.zip B 3077912 Star charts for the PC (part 1 of 3)
deep14-2.zip B 2765806 Star charts for the PC (part 2 of 3)
deep14-3.zip B 955615 Star charts for the PC (part 3 of 3)
diff_dra.zip B 41894 Displays a binary star system in 3-D
dspac554.zip B 1307873 For star maps, orbits, and telescope control
earthw35.zip B 379437 Earthwatch v3.5: Astronomical program
ephem421.zip B 225465 Astronomical ephemeris:stars/planets positions
expwt21.zip B 46856 Find relative weight & info on local planets
galil.zip B 49959 Animates motions of Jupiter and its satellites
galsat53.zip B 54013 Displays relative positions of Jupiter's Moons
gravity2.zip B 95716 Simulates motions of planetary bodies in space
grvkit02.zip B 249139 N-body gravitational simulator and player
heat0-1.zip B 72759 Aurora Spacecraft heat shield design, w/source
jimsd100.zip B 285914 JIMSAIP v1.00: Astronomical image processing
jpstphn2.zip B 53507 Animated display of Jupiters' satellites (CGA)
jupsat40.zip B 50023 Jovian satellites simulator with animation
koms231.zip B 69042 Komsoft v2.31: Program for comet watchers
moon.zip B 52157 Graphic display of moon's face w/pan/move/find
moon301.zip B 539969 Show phases of the Moon from 9999 BC to 9999
nalm1996.zip B 421770 Nautical Almanac Data for 1996
nbodyd16.zip B 138042 Point and click Nbody gravitational simulation
planet.zip B 38864 Gives time/azimuth/coords for planet rise/sets
plnwch20.zip B 320523 Solar system simulator and reference
satsat2.zip B 78145 Displays relative positions of Saturn's Moons
satview2.zip B 33404 Mathematical model of sunlit planet Saturn/CGA
sclock10.zip B 55815 Animates stellar evolution in the HR diagram
sfs101.zip B 253287 Space Flight Simulator, CGA/HGC/EGA/VGA
sfs101s.zip B 396804 Source code for Space Flight Simulator v1.01
simon10a.zip B 61404 Simulation of occultation stars by the Moon
sky3dv11.zip B 626044 View the universe in 3D
skyglb36.zip B 362704 SkyGlobe v3.60: Desktop planetarium program
skyimg1.zip B 1038065 Planetary/Lunar GIF images for SkyMap v1.2
skyplot.zip B 156703 Star map graphic display
solar.zip B 34944 Solar system simulator
starpl20.zip B 326858 Star chart drawing package & Hubble GSC viewer
starview.zip B 205997 Astronomy at its best - (requires mouse)
starwrk2.zip B 194790 Astronomical Planetarium Simulator (SVGA-HERC)
sundemo.zip B 683797 Calculates several types of Sundials
suntab05.zip B 34506 Sunrise/set for a year, any location
sv115.zip B 796782 SVGA vector graph. planetary, ephemer. & anim.
tracker5.zip B 57744 Displays location of Great Red Spot of Jupiter